Why you should consider a Hospitality Training Program

Posted on December 18, 2023

Why you should consider a Hospitality Training Program

Educating staff can be a daunting endeavour: it requires allocating time from your already packed schedule to onboard new employees, while making sure the training time is effectively utilised.

For smaller establishments, the most straightforward approach is to train new employees as they join. When detailed, one-on-one instruction sessions are not feasible due to time constraints, immersing new hires directly into the work environment can be a practical solution.

Conversely, larger establishments either already have an established training regimen or are uncertain about initiating one. Many have contemplated implementing a training program but are hesitant about the return on investment.

Here are some reasons on why your business would benefit from a dedicated hospitality training program.

Educate your team to minimise errors and mishaps.

Regardless of whether you're hiring a newcomer or someone with a few years of industry experience, never presume they are fully knowledgeable.

In 2017, statistics showed that 41 percent of front-of-house and 52 percent of back-of-house employees had less than one year's experience. This indicates that a significant portion of the 22.6 million positions in the hospitality sector are occupied by inexperienced staff.

To address issues of inadequate staff proficiency, it's crucial to offer training. This ensures that your employees are familiar with the essential tasks that keep your business running smoothly. It also guarantees that they can handle various assignments independently, without needing constant assistance.

Providing opportunities for your team to feel skilled and confident within your establishment can lead to increased job satisfaction. It's a well-known fact that enjoyment in work leads to greater commitment and continued engagement.

Providing staff with training leads to increased employee retention

Even if you provide excellent benefits, treat your employees well, and they enjoy their job, you might wonder why they still leave. This often boils down to the lack of training. In 2016, the turnover rate in the hospitality industry reached 72.9 percent, particularly affecting front-of-house roles. Employees may appreciate their workplace, but without opportunities for growth and advancement, they're likely to seek more promising prospects elsewhere.

With 86 percent of companies offering less than 10 hours of continuous training, it's not surprising that 40 percent of employees depart within their first year. This lack of training not only impedes their ability to serve customers effectively but also signals a dearth of future career opportunities within your business.

Providing hospitality training empowers your staff to develop within their roles and potentially within your establishment. If your team often struggles or feels overwhelmed during busy periods, proper training can introduce new strategies for managing their daily responsibilities, reducing stress, and enhancing job satisfaction. This could even lead to opportunities for promotion to more senior roles.

Enhanced training leads to greater staff growth

Millennials are known to gravitate towards hospitality roles, and it's likely you have several in your team. Time Magazine predicts that by 2025, millennials will make up three-quarters of the workforce. Interestingly, 87 percent of them consider training and development essential in their careers.

Training your staff not only reduces turnover but also facilitates their professional growth within your establishment. For instance, a new employee with an impressive resume might initially feel uncertain about their responsibilities. Providing adequate training can alleviate their stress, enhance their job performance, and boost their confidence.

It's common to feel apprehensive when faced with unfamiliar tasks. However, training, especially with clear and straightforward explanations, can help staff understand their roles better, perform more effectively, and assist their colleagues.

Even a modest investment in training can yield substantial benefits. In 2015, hospitality businesses that allocated at least 5 percent of their budget to training saw a 23 percent decrease in employee turnover.

Short on time? Go digital!

It can be challenging to find the time for in-person staff training, especially when it involves stepping away from managing your business to teach basic tasks. However, more and more companies are now turning to online methods for training their employees.

64 percent of restaurants are using external online resources for staff training. This shift towards digital learning isn't surprising, given the global trend of educational institutions like schools, universities, and technical and further education (TAFE) institutes offering online courses. The hospitality industry is also embracing this trend.

Most online training in hospitality is conducted through videos. This format allows staff to visually learn about their tasks, with the flexibility to stop, pause, and replay the content as needed. Moreover, the training is accessible anytime and anywhere, whether it's during a commute, a walk with the dog, or even at the beach.

Contrary to the belief that digital learning might be less effective, online training has proven to be highly efficient. Students of online courses absorb five times more material in half the time compared to traditional learning methods. This means that your staff will not only be better prepared for their next shift but also gain more knowledge than they would through conventional offline training methods.

Digital platforms are economical and offer numerous advantages

Online training provides the flexibility for your staff to enhance their skills at their convenience, be it en route to work, during their lunch break, or in spare moments over the weekend. This continuous learning process not only benefits them but also your business.

For every dollar spent on online training, there's a return of $30 in productivity, as employees can quickly return to work and immediately apply what they've learned. The benefits are clear. This method eliminates the need for time-consuming in-person training, freeing up your schedule for other critical tasks. Moreover, online learning typically offers a positive return on investment within a year.

Services like Allara Global, which specialise in online video training for hospitality businesses, make training accessible and concise. Online training is a cost-effective way to enhance your team's skills, benefiting both them and your business. The link between quality training, employee loyalty, improved performance, and increased profits is undeniable.

So, why not take the step to prepare your staff for the future?