Participant handbook
Welcome to Allara Learning.
This Participant Handbook is designed to provide you with important information about undertaking courses or training programs with Allara Learning and the assessment process (if applicable), plus a range of other information that is important for the way that Allara Learning and you, as a Participant, will work together.
Here you will find information about your rights and responsibilities as a Participant and our obligations as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), as well as information about our policies, processes and how to access a range of services on offer. Please take the time to read this handbook and ask one of our team members if there is anything you are unsure about. You will find contact details for our Head Office and other State and Territory Offices on the last page of this handbook.
Whatever the format your course and/ or program takes, Allara Learning has the aim of helping you to be all that you can be and to enable you to Learn. Grow. Shine.
Who is Allara Learning?
Allara Learning is a market leading national education and training provider that excels in the provision of vocational education and training solutions for individuals and businesses specialising in the hospitality, retail and business sectors. Allara Learning delivers tailored training solutions and nationally recognised qualifications to businesses and individuals across Australia. Allara Learning works closely with and assists its clients in improving business efficiency and productivity levels, whilst maintaining a strong commitment to retraining and up skilling job seekers and those in transitional phases of employment.
Our brands
Allara Investments Pty Ltd trading as Allara Learning owns Tactical Training Group RTO Code: 91054 and WG Learning RTO Code: 91178
Tactical Training Group Pty Ltd (TTG), RTO Code: 91054
TTG is a Registered Training Organisation and it operates under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.W G Learning Pty Ltd (WGL), RTO Code: 91178
WGL is a Registered Training Organisation and it operates under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.As an RTO authorised by the Australian Quality Skills Authority (ASQA) the regulatory body, we are responsible for delivering nationally recognised (accredited) training, carrying out and conducting assessments, issuing Certificates for full qualifications and Statements of Attainment for partial qualifications, in accordance with our Scope of Registration and in compliance with ASQA’s Standards for registered training organisations 2015.
Our purpose
We believe in creating experiences that enrich people’s lives.
Our values
- Relationships
We recognise that building relationships with our customers and colleagues is the reason for our success in business - Accountability
We believe that taking action is not someone else’s responsibility - Integrity
We act with honesty and fairness and lead by example - Teamwork
We focus on achieving the team’s purpose over and above our own individual objectives - Innovation
We believe curiosity leads to continual growth and learning
Our team
We are committed to providing quality, industry relevant courses developed in consultation with industry experts; training delivered by a team of professional facilitators who are committed to excellence and learning principles; and outcomes that are current, relevant and reflect industry best practice.
Allara Learning’s team of experienced educational service providers consists of;
- Trainers and assessors who are highly qualified, have extensive industry experience and are student outcomes focused.
- Client relations personnel that have a wealth of skills and knowledge in providing vocational education support services to our clients.
- Administration and student support personnel responsible for the maintenance of student records and assistance and advice on course progression and student outcomes.
- Learning and Development experts providing development of high quality training and assessment resources
- A Compliance team committed to ensure Allara Learning complies with the VET Quality Framework and other applicable legislation and regulations.
Our team is available to guide you through your course and or training program, ensuring you have a highly enjoyable learning experience and achieve your personal goals.
Training solutions
Allara Learning provides a broad range of training solutions for our clients and students.
Nationally accredited training
Allara Learning is an ASQA registered provider and in accordance with our scope of registration, we specialise in providing the following types of courses and tailored training programs to our participants for the business, retail and hospitality sectors. All the courses under our scope of Registration that lead to a nationally recognised outcome may be viewed by visiting our website
National workforce training
Delivery of nationally accredited education and tailored training programs for current employees who may be eligible under current Federal and State Government subsidies for Apprenticeship and Traineeship Programs, or on a Fee for Service basis.
JobREADY programs
Delivery of nationally accredited education and tailored training programs with quality on-the-job work experience for individuals looking to enter the hospitality, retail and business sectors who may be eligible for current Federal and State Government subsidised training, or on a Fee for Service basis.
Online accredited courses
Online delivery of nationally accredited education for individuals across a range of industries, who may be eligible for current Federal and State Government subsidised training, or on a Fee for Service basis.
Specialised short courses
Delivery of a industry licensing and other specialised accredited short course workshops for individuals or organisations on a fee for service basis.
Non-accredited training
Allara Learning also proivides a broad range of non-accredited courses for the business, retail and hospitality sectors. Non-accredited courses do not lead to a nationally recognised outcome.
Online non-accredited courses
Online delivery of training for the hospitality, retail and business sectors through real world scenario based, interactive and engaging non-accredited short courses.
Specialised short courses
Delivery of specialised non-accredited short course workshops for individuals or organisations on a fee for service basis.
Access, equity and anti-discrimination
Access to our courses is determined by the requirements of the specific training program, the training package and the availability of training places.
Allara Learning is committed to non-discrimination and at all times complies with the equal opportunity and antidiscrimination legislation. Allara Learning does not discriminate against participants on the basis of gender, political affiliation, race, ethnic background, age, social class, sexual preference, marital status, religion, disability or mental ability. All participants are entitled to equal consideration and respect.
For further details refer to our Access, equity, and enrolment policy and procedure.
Before you enrol with us, we want to make sure that you have been provided with sufficient, current and accurate information to make an informed decision about undertaking a course or commencing training with us. This information may be obtained from:
- This Participant Handbook which provides an overview of:
- Our Training and Assessment arrangements including provisions for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or Credit Transfer (CT);
- Fees, payment details and refund arrangements;
- Complaints and Appeals processes;
- Support and guidance services; and
- Additional requirements regarding government funding subsidies
- Our website; and
- The course information guide and webpage for the specific course in which you propose to enrol.
Our staff are always available to answer any questions you might have if you need further clarification prior to enrolling in a course.
Commencement of training - induction
To ensure that you fully understand the options available to you and your rights and obligations, our induction process - undertaken when you complete your course enrolment - includes a discussion on the above information with one of our dedicated team members. Once your training commences we will ensure that we provide you with:
- any handouts specific to the course or training program you are enrolled in; and
- access to the Student Portal, where you can access to your training records.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
Since 1 January 2015, if you are undertaking nationally recognised training delivered by a RTO you will need to have a USI. Your USI account will contain all your nationally recognised training records and results from 1 January 2015 onwards.
Allara Learning is unable to issue you with any nationally recognised VET qualification or statement of attainment without your USI. Please see our registration form for further details and instructions for the provisions of a USI.
Assessment is a key component of the learning process. Completion of the assessment tasks is an important part of your course and/or training program as this provides an opportunity for you to apply, utilise, and demonstrate what you have learnt and also provides our Assessor with the opportunity to collect evidence on which to make a decision on your achievement of competence.
The assessment method will depend on the course and/or training plan you are enrolled in. Your Course Information Handout provides you with information about the assessments found in your course.
Fair and proper assessment
All our assessors have the required qualifications and experience in your field of study. When our assessors conduct an assessment, they ensure that it complies with the assessment requirements of the relevant training package or VET accredited course. They also ensure it is conducted in accordance with the Principles of Assessment and the Rules of Evidence.
ASQA, or the relevant State or Territory Training Authority, require us to retain your assessments so that they can audit us on the quality of our assessment processes. In accordance with our Privacy Policy, State and National Regulations and with our contracts, these are kept in a secure file.
For further details refer to our Training and assessment policy and procedure.
Right to appeal an assessment outcome
If you are assessed as not yet competent, you can appeal against the type of assessment given, the way the assessment was conducted, or the decision made by the assessor. You will need to ensure that written advice of your appeal is received by Allara Learning no later than 14 days after a formal assessment has been made. This appeal will need to include:
- Your name;
- The assessor’s name;
- The competency against which the appeal is being lodged;
- Specific reasons why you believe the original assessment outcome should be changed; and
- Evidence to support the reason for the appeal.
The appeal must be addressed in writing to the General Manager on a Complaints and Appeals Form available from an Allara Learning staff member or by downloading a copy from our website and sent to Allara Learning Learning Head Office (Address listing is on the last page). You may also present your case in person and in doing so, be accompanied by a support person.
Each appeal will be reviewed and a decision reached. The appellant will be notified in writing of the decision and the reasons for the decision within 10 days of the appeal lodgement. All details will be kept confidential.
Please refer to the Complaints and appeals section of this handbook and our Complaints and appeals policy and procedure for further information.
Participant obligations
Appropriate behaviour
We are committed to provide a learning/ training environment which aims to ensure the health, safety and respect of all participants. To do so, we request that all participants ensure their behaviour is appropriate for the learning environment. This includes ensuring the learning environment is free from harassment, discrimination and bullying and that participants’ behaviour does not pose any Workplace Health and Safety risks to any persons.
Harassment and discrimination
Allara Learning is required under Australian law to ensure that it provides a workplace and learning environment that is free from all forms of harassment and discrimination (including victimisation and bullying) so that staff and participants feel valued, respected and are treated fairly. Allara Learning will ensure that all staff, contractors and participants understand their roles and responsibilities in creating such an environment, by a process of training, communication, mentoring and by example, and it will ensure all staff are aware of the processes and procedures for addressing any form of harassment or discrimination.
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is any unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited behaviour of a sexual nature, which makes a person feel humiliated, intimidated or offended. Sexual harassment can occur between men and women; women and other women; men and other men. Allara Learning is committed to ensuring that its work, teaching, learning and assessment environments are free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated under any circumstances, and disciplinary action will be taken against any participant who breaches this policy. Sexual harassment in education is illegal under the Anti-Discrimination Act NSW 1977 and the Sex Discrimination Act 1984. Some forms may constitute a criminal offence (e.g. indecent exposure, sexual assault, stalking).
Health & safety
Your health and safety while studying and training is our priority. We aim to provide a safe and healthy environment that minimises the risk of an accident. Therefore it is the responsibility of all participants to follow all safety rules, to report unsafe conditions and practices to your trainer and to learn and study in a way that maintains your safety and that of your fellow participants.
Drugs and alcohol
Allara Learning provides a learning/ training environment which aims to ensure the health, safety, respect and productivity of all participants. The use of drugs and alcohol may impair an individual’s capacity to learn safely, efficiently and with respect for other participants. The use of such substances may result in the risk of injury or a threat to your wellbeing or that of other parties. Our policy is that no participant is to attend training programs while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Breaching this policy can result in removal from the course and/or training program.
Prescription drugs and medication
Nothing within our Drugs and Alcohol policy prohibits the use of prescription pharmaceuticals. You should check with your doctor that your prescription does not impair your study performance, or put you or others at risk.
Training and assessment
You are responsible for, and expected to ensure, that you:
- Attend and actively participate in all learning and/or training sessions;
- Complete the required assessments following our guidelines for presenting work for assessment;
- Take responsibility for your own learning;
- Give your commitment to the training program; and
- Communicate with your trainer should you require assistance.
Subsidised training
For participants completing training in a government subsidised program, the apprenticeship or traineeship agreement you have signed includes the following important obligations:
- You are responsible for your level of commitment to the training;
- Attend all training sessions and undertake all required training and assessment;
- To the best of your ability you must attempt at all times to prepare for your assessments;
- Accept and follow through with any guidance and suggestions your employer or your trainer may give you;
- Comply with the terms and conditions that you have signed which correspond to the subsidised training requirements of the State or Territory in which Allara Learning has been approved to deliver (the contracts are kept in your State and Territory Offices); and
- You are ultimately responsible for learning and for implementing what you have learnt in your workplace.
Plagiarism is defined as the use of someone else’s work without acknowledgement. Plagiarism is a form of cheating and cheating is an action which benefits no-one. It may result in either failure of the assessment/subject, or if it is a repeated offence, exclusion from the course and or training program. Plagiarism can include:
- Copying someone else’s assignment; • Using information which another participant has collected without acknowledging it;
- Copying from a textbook without using an appropriate form of referencing; and
- Using the ideas or research which you have found in a textbook without referencing, even if you have written those ideas or research findings into your own words.
Work placement
For participants undertaking Work Experience Placements (WEP), including as part of a government subsidised program, the agreement you have signed includes the following important obligations:
- You must attend the WEP with the assigned workplace on the agreed dates and at the agreed times;
- You must notify both the workplace supervisor and RTO work placement coordinator if you are unable to attend on any day/s;
- You must perform your duties to the best of your ability and comply with all reasonable directions given by the work placement employer;
- Your dress and behaviour must be in keeping with the accepted standards of the workplace;
- You must promptly tell your supervisor of any personal injury or damage to property that may involve you; and
- You must read and understand the WEP Guidelines.
All parties involved in providing our Services
We also expect high standards/quality from all parties who are involved in providing our education, training and assessment. Reflecting our commitment to all of our stakeholders, Allara Learning adopts policies and management practices to ensure high professional standards in the delivery of education and training services are maintained and which safeguard the educational interests and welfare of our participants.
Working with children
Allara Learning accepts people under the age of 18 into its courses and or training programs. As such, we will comply with all Federal and State Working with Children legislation. A list of all relevant State based legislation is available from the Federal Police Website at
Consequences of breaching any of the behavioural obligations
Disciplinary action, including termination of studies or removal from the course and or training program, may be taken against a Participant in the following circumstances:
- Breach of the Drug and Alcohol conduct obligations;
- Sexual harassment of another participant or a staff member;
- Repeated Plagiarism; or
- Misconduct that may place another participant or staff member in fear of his/her safety, e.g. violence and/or abuse, or through continued disruptive behaviour restricting a trainer or participants from maintaining a safe learning environment.
A participant shall have the right of appeal against a determination of Allara Learning for removal from a course and or a training program. Such notice must be received in writing within seven (7) days of the determination.
Please refer to the Complaints and appeals section of this handbook and our Complaints and appeals policy and procedure for further information.
Right to complaints & appeals
Allara Learning is committed to ensuring that any complaint from you and/or stakeholders is handled in a constructive, timely, fair, unbiased, and equitable manner which is easily accessible and offered to you and/or stakeholders at no charge. Allara Learning has developed a Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure to outline how stakeholder’s complaints and appeals will be considered which is accessible via the Allara Learning website
All complaints are to be directed immediately to Allara Learning and will be treated seriously, investigated promptly, impartially, confidentially and in accordance with the principles of natural justice. If behaviour in breach of any of the above obligations is found to have occurred, action will be taken to stop the behaviour immediately. Counselling may be offered to the complainant and/ or the offender and, depending on the seriousness of the case, appropriate disciplinary action (which may include suspension from classes and/or expulsion from Allara Learning) will be taken.
Any complaint involving a criminal offence will be reported to the police.
Definition of a complaint
A complaint can be defined as a person’s expression of dissatisfaction with any aspect of Allara Learning’s services and activities, such as:
- The enrolment or induction process;
- The quality of education provided;
- Academic matters, including student progress, assessment, curriculum and awards in a VET course of study;
- Handling of personal information and access to personal records; and/or
- The way someone has been treated.
Before a concern becomes a formal complaint
You are encouraged, wherever possible, to resolve concerns directly with the person(s) concerned or to speak with an Allara Learning staff member directly to resolve the concern. You may raise a concern by contacting your Trainer/ Training Facilitator or alternatively any staff member with whom you feel comfortable.
The Allara Learning staff member may attempt to resolve the concern within their scope of responsibility, or notify management of your concern.
Lodging a formal complaint
If you feel that your concern has not been resolved, you can lodge a formal complaint.
Formal complaints must be submitted in writing to the Quality Assurance Manager on a Complaints and Appeals Form available from an Allara Learning staff member or by downloading a copy from our website
The General Manager will endeavour to resolve the complaint fairly and equitably and provide a written report to you advising you of the outcome within ten (10) working days of receipt of the complaint application. You will also be advised of your right to access the internal appeals process if you are not satisfied with the outcome of your formal complaint.
Independent external dispute resolution process
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the formal appeals process you are entitled to take the complaint further by making a written request to the CEO that you wish the matter to be dealt with through an independent external dispute resolution process.
Allara Learning will appoint a mutually agreed independent mediator who will attempt to resolve your complaint between you and/or the respondent and Allara Learning through a mediation process. Allara Learning will bear any costs associated with the mediation process regardless of the decision and/or outcome. Allara Learning will implement any decision and corrective action required within 30 days of receipt of a written report and notify you and all relevant stakeholders of the decisions and recommendations.
For further information please refer to our Complaints and appeals policy and procedure.
Where you are a trainee or apprentice and you have a complaint or are not happy with the appeal outcome, you can also complain or appeal to the relevant State Registering Body whose contact details are opposite.
State and Territory Contacts
Skills ACT- Phone: (02) 6205 8555
- Email:
- Online:
Smart and Skilled Enquiries/complaints- Phone: 13 28 11
- Email:
- Online:
- Apprenticeships Info
- Phone: 1800 210 210
- Email:
Right to support & assistance
Allara Learning is committed to assisting you to complete your courses and/or training and assessment program. If you have met the entry requirements for a course and/or training program, you will also have access to our range of academic support options that provide you with the best opportunity to successfully complete your course.
Our enrolment process provides an opportunity to assess and identify any existing special needs that may impact your ability to complete your course and/ or training program and will monitor your academic progress to identify potential obstacles to successful completion of the course.
Support options
Achievement of your academic goals may be jeopardised by difficulties arising from a number of circumstances which may include:
- Language, Literacy and Numeracy; and/ or
- Cultural, social-economic, personal and/or environmental difficulties.
- It is not possible to list all potential support options; however, the following are examples of support that may be available:
- Additional facilitation sessions/training to provide sufficient opportunity for the participant to develop the necessary skills and knowledge required prior to assessment;
- One to one trainer mentoring involving a more experienced person helping a less experienced person to achieve their goals provided either by our facilitator or an alternative trainer, a workplace supervisor (if applicable) or another relevant person with sufficient experience to guide the participant’s learning activities; and
- Reasonable adjustment of assessment tasks without compromising the rigour of the assessment process, for example;
- Extended timeframes for completion of assessment tasks (where appropriate);
- Having someone read assessment materials to participants;
- Having someone record your spoken responses to assessment questions.
Our support options are available to any currently enrolled participant. We will provide a supportive learning environment to the best of our ability and resources. However, there may be support and welfare needs which are beyond our scope of expertise and you may be referred to an external provider. Where possible, support will be provided by us at no additional cost to you. However, where support services are provided by an external provider the cost of accessing those services will be your responsibility.
External support services
Where personal or social problems may be jeopardising your ability to complete the course successfully and are beyond our scope of expertise, Allara Learning will identify appropriate external support services. These services may include the organisations listed below who you may contact directly to seek immediate support:
- Telephone Interpreting Services 13 14 50
- Alcohol and Drug Information Service 1800 250 015 (24 hour counselling and information)
- Lifeline 131 114
- Reading Writing Hotline c/-TAFE NSW, Ultimo Campus P.O. Box 707 Broadway 2007 Phone: 1300 655506
- Australian Physiological Society 1800 333 497 (referral service)
- Career Information Centre
- Indigenous Counselling Services
If you are experiencing difficulties with your studies that we did not identify from the enrolment process, you should talk to your trainer/assessor as soon as possible. If your trainer/assessor is unable to assist they may refer the matter to the General Manager, which, as part of their role, has the specific responsibility to support your needs.
Right to respect & protection of privacy
Allara Learning is subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 which incorporates the amendments made to it by the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000.
The information Allara Learning collects is required for its training database and/ or legislative requirements and will not be used for any other purpose. Allara Learning is firmly committed to protecting your privacy and, in line with our Privacy and Personal Information Policy, which is accessible via the Allara Learning website, we take the storage and security of this information seriously.
Types of personal information collected
We collect personal information that allows for your identification such as: Name, address, contact number, occupation, gender, date of birth, email address, literacy level, course results and welfare information.
How and why personal information is collected
We collect personal information directly from you that is necessary for us to meet our requirements and effectively deliver our services to you. These include:
- Conducting business as an education provider;
- Determination of eligibility for a course;
- Analysis of your needs;
- Compliance with specific NCVER reporting requirements;
- Compliance with the National VET Regulator (ASQA) requirements; and
- Compliance with USI registrar requirements.
Security of personal information collected
We are committed to protecting your rights to privacy and will take all reasonable steps to ensure personal information is stored in a secure environment protected from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.
Access to personal information
You can request access to the personal information held by us. To access your records you must submit the appropriate form titled “Records access request form” to the General Manager. A copy of the form may be requested from Allara Learning’s Administration Department and you must meet with the General Manager in person and provide identification (such as a licence or passport) as well as the completed form.
For further information please refer to our Privacy and persoanl information policy and procedure.
Right to recognition and credit transfer
Right to recognition of your existing skills/qualifications
Under the RTO Standards, we must recognise AQF Qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by any other RTO. We must also offer RPL to recognise and assess the skills and knowledge you have gained over your years of work and life experience. The underlying principle of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT) is that no participant should be required to undertake a unit of competency for which they are already able to demonstrate competency as outlined in the endorsed training package.
You will be informed at the pre-enrolment induction of the availability of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)/ Credit Transfer (CT) recognition and your right to apply for each.
Allara Learning staff will provide support and guidance regarding all Credit Transfer (CT) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) enquiries in a timely manner.
For further information, please refer to our RPL and credit transfer policy and procedure.
Application for Credit Transfer (CT)
If you have previously completed some of the units contained in your chosen course and/or training program and wish to apply for Credit Transfer (CT) you can apply directly with our Client Relations Manager (CRM), Training Facilitator or other member of Allara Learning staff to gain approval. If you think you are eligible for Credit Transfer (CT) please contact your Trainer who will arrange for you to be issued with an application form.
Application for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
To apply for a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), you must supply evidence to demonstrate prior learning and relevant skills and knowledge gained through education, work and life skills. You can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) directly with our Client Relations Manager (CRM), Training Facilitator or other member of Allara Learning staff.
If you think you are eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), please contact an Allara Learning representative who will arrange for you to be issued with an application form.
Fees, charges and refunds
Payment of enrolment or course fees
All courses have applicable enrolment administration fees which may be payable either by you as a participant, by your employer or by another stakeholder as applicable to your course and or training program. This fee is payable in advance of course commencement. Individual payment arrangements and schedules can be discussed with you, or your employer, prior to enrolment.
Concession or exemption
Participants who receive a Government Benefit (i.e. Pension or Allowance) may be exempt from paying this fee or may receive concessional rates. In claiming an exemption, you must provide proof that you are receiving benefits. See Concessions and Exemptions in our Fees, Charges and Refunds Policy, which is accessible via the Allara Learning website, for further details of the proof required.
State and territory specific policies
If you are eligible to access subsidised training programs, the fees and charges payable vary, depending on the applicable State or Territory in which have you signed your training contract. For further details contact the state office where you enrolled and signed your training contract.
Cooling-off period
In all cases where course fees are paid in advance of the course commencement date, the statutory cooling off period of ten (10) business days applies.
Fees protection
The RTO standards require protection of fees pre-paid by participants prior to the commencement of their course which are more than $1500. In the interests of participants, Allara Learning does not accept prepayment of more than $1500 from individual participants.
Allara Learning also warrants that it maintains appropriate retained funds in its bank account to enable continuation through to completion of the training and/or assessment once the participant has commenced study in their chosen qualification or course. For full details on the fees and charges payable, please refer to our Fees, Charges and Refunds policy which is accessible via the Allara Learning website
Refund policy
Allara Learning has established a fair and reasonable refund policy which is applicable depending on the course and/ or training program; whether this is employer sponsored; the relevant State or Territory; and whether it is subsidised or self-funded.
Refund applications
Refund applications must be made in writing using the Fee Refund Application Form. This form can be downloaded from the Allara Learning website or may be obtained directly by contacting our administration team. Approved refunds will be paid within 30 days of receipt of the completed Fee Refund Application Form.
For further information, please refer to our Fees, charges and refunds policy and procedure.
Nature of the guarantee
Once you have commenced study in your chosen course and or training program, Allara Learning is committed to providing the highest quality of training and assessment as outlined to you.
If Allara Learning is no longer able to provide the training and assessment as initially agreed, then Allara Learning will arrange for the agreed training and assessment to be completed through transfer to another RTO. Prior to the transfer, you, your employers and/ or relevant stakeholders will be formally notified of the arrangements including any refund of fees that may be applicable.
Notifications of changes agreed services
We will advise of any changes to the agreed services relating to your signed terms and conditions, as soon as practicable and provide you with a minimum of 30 days notification of any changes in services or terms and conditions prior to their taking effect. This includes any changes to the qualification; closure or ceasing to deliver any part of the course in our guarantee; any new third-party arrangements; a change in ownership; or changes to existing third-party arrangements.
Further information
For further information about the contents of this handbook or any other queries or feedback regarding your courses and or training program or any of our services please contact Allara Learning on 1300 772 724 or via email at or our Contact us form.
- Relationships