Work experience placement guidelines
Purpose of the guidelines
These guidelines have been developed to provide all stakeholders of a work experience placement (WEP) agreement an undertsanding of the their responsibilities during the conduct of a work experience.
Work experience placement guidelines
A work experience placement (WEP) will provide participants time in an operational workplace to learn about an occupation and its associated industry. It is an opportunity to apply the skills gained through the training program as well as gaining a range of transferable workplace skills. It is also an opportunity to develop networks with potential employers.
The duration of a WEP for a participant is determined by the course and the qualification in which the participant is enrolled. WEPs are to be arranged, commenced, and completed between the commencement date and completion date as specified in the WEP agreement.
Participants are not required to be paid while undertaking a WEP. Any remuneration made by the WEP employer will mean that the participant is now considered to be a ‘worker’ and responsibility will rest with the employer to provide workers’ compensation and insurance cover for accident or injury.
There should be no reduction in work or job opportunities for paid employees or prospective employees because of the participant’s WEP.
Workplace nominations
Allara Learning partners with organisations as part of the training delivery for our JobREADY programs, to provide opportunities for participants to undertake their work placement requirements.
For all other programs, it is the participant’s responsibility to source a suitable workplace to complete their work placement.
If currently employed, the participant can nominate to complete their work placement with their current employer.
To nominate an employer, participants must provide at a minimum the details of the:
- Organisation or business name; and
- Type of business and expected job role; and
- Workplace supervisor’s name; and
- Supervisor’s phone and email.
An Allara Learning representative will contact the nominated employer to confirm that the workplace has sufficient equipment, resources, and range of work tasks to enable the participant to complete the course work experience requirements.
JobREADY participants
Participants of Job Ready programs will be provided with a host employer to complete WEP. The term of WEP during the conduct of a Job Ready program is generally not sufficient to complete course requirements. To complete the WEP requirements for a course, participants must either:
- successfully gain employment with the partner organisation, or
- gain employment with an alternative organisation and employer, or
- arrange additional work experience with the current host or alternative host employer.
Participants must secure employment or make arrangements with a WEP host employer within 3 months post the delivery of JobREADY training workshops.
Code of conduct during WEP
Participant responsibilities
The Participant’s responsibilities for a WEP are as follows:
- Ensure that your behaviour complies with Workplace, Health and Safety (WHS) legislative requirements at all times, this includes refraining from discrimination, harassment and bullying
- Attend the workplace on the agreed dates and at the agreed times
- Perform duties as requested and comply with all reasonable directions given by the host employer
- Ensure dress and behaviour are in keeping with the accepted standards of the workplace
- Notify both the workplace supervisor and Allara Learning work placement coordinator if unable to attend on any rostered day
- Promptly tell the workplace supervisor and Allara Learning work placement coordinator of any personal injury or damage to property that has involved you
- Participants must not attend the workplace under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Complete prescribed tasks and activities, under the guidance of a qualified Workplace Supervisor and Assessor and record these tasks in an assessment booklet and provide these to the Assessor
- Undertake any relevant police checks, if required.
Host employer responsibilities
The host employer’s responsibilities for a WEP are as follows:
- Understand the obligation of care for the participant under the Workplace, Health and Safety Act
- Inform the participant of safety requirements in the workplace and provide appropriate induction training
- Provide meaningful activities and appropriate direction and supervision
- Notify Allara Learning immediately of any incident involving the participant, any actions undertaken and damages to property involving the participant
- Ensure that the participant is not paid for the WEP
- Notify Allara Learning of any absences by the participant.
Allara Learning responsibilities
The responsibilities of Allara Learning for a WEP are as follows:
- Confirm the nominated workplace’s capacity to provide the WEP for a Participant
- Ensure the WEP is related to the training the Participant has undertaken
- Ensure the Participant is prepared for the WEP. For example, a Responsible Service of Alcohol competency card is mandatory for participants serving alcohol
- Contact the host employer on the first day of the WEP to confirm the participant’s attendance
- Visit the participant in the workplace at least once per five-day period during the placement
- Gather feedback from both participant and host employer to evaluate the placement.
Allara Learning will hold and maintain sufficient insurances for the duration of the work placement.
In the event of an accident or an incident which involves a near miss, injury or death, the participant and host employer must notify Allara Learning of the incident as outlined below. Procedure in the event of an accident or incident:
- The host employer takes appropriate medical measures
- The host employer and/or participant immediately contacts Allara Learning to advise of the accident/incident
- Allara Learning contacts the parent/guardian/carer of the participant if applicable
- The host employer provides Allara Learning with an incident report form
- Allara Learning lodges claims through WorkCover and/or Public Liability if required
- Where medical treatment is required, Allara Learning will advise the participant to claim through Medicare (if possible, they should be referred to a bulk billing doctor to limit their out of pocket expenses) to recover health-related expenses and also advise the participant that they are not eligible for workers’ compensation benefits (Insurance providers will not pay compensation where an injured person does not consult a qualified medical practitioner nor follows the suggested treatment)
- All relevant paperwork must be kept by Allara Learning.
Note: Where the host employer enters a paid work arrangement with the participant, all legislative responsibilities with respect to Work, Health and Safety inclusive of personal injury and workers compensation, become the sole responsibility of the employer.
Related documents
- Training and assessment strategies
- Training plan
- Work experience placement agreement
- Training record book (digital or print)